What is Upanayanam

The word Upanayanam implies nearby, supplemental to the eye, or keeping one close by. Upanayanam is the eye of otherworldly information or the vision actuated by appropriate commencement into the Gayatri. 

The term Upanayanam is associated with the Vedic gurukula convention wherein the preceptor would keep his understudies close by so as to prepare them in Vedic ceremonies and give strict lessons. The Upanayanam is normally done by the acarya during youthfulness. Generally, a brahmana kid would get Upanayanam from the family master. Those not conceived in brahmana families didn't get it. 

There are three sorts of Brahmanas: 1) Dvijas—those started with Brahma-Gayatri yet without Vedic information; 2) Vipras—those started with Brahma-Gayatri who have considered the Vedic information; 3) Vaisnavas—those started with Brahma-Gayatri who have understood the reason (Vedanta) of Vedic information, to know and serve Lord Visnu or Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Of the three, the Vaisnava Brahmana is viewed as the most elevated and most commendable beneficiary of good cause. 

Upanayanam is the most significant samskara in light of the fact that it makes one qualified to recite the Vedas and perform Vedic rituals, homas, yajnas, relationships, and so forth. Upanayanam is otherwise called brahmopadesa on the grounds that the acarya instructs (upadesa) the recently started devotee how to acknowledge brahman. 

The Upanayanam is a significant samskara or purificatory custom of life. In this service, a little fellow is started into profound information by the master (customarily the dad) who gives the youngster the Brahma-Gayatri mantra, characterizes its importance, and clarifies the strategy for reciting. As of now, the kid takes the dress of a Brahmacari, acknowledges the upavlta (hallowed string), and starts learning the obligations of an enlightened man. In the wake of finishing his otherworldly instruction, the abstinent kid may take up family life. 

He was conceived in a brahmana family, Lord Caitanya additionally acknowledged Upanayanam and got the Brahma-Gayatri. Later He took diksa from Isvara Puri and got the ten-syllable Gopala-mantra. The ten-syllable Gopala-mantra is commonly offered distinctly to conceived Brahmanas, yet the eighteen-syllable Gopala-mantra referenced in the Brahma-Samhita is available to everybody. 

Upanayanam is a Vedic samskara wherein one gets the Vedic mantra known as Brahma-gayatri. The word upa implies close, and nayanam implies driving close to the educator. Upanayanam then is a cycle that carries the understudy nearer to the educator, who thusly carries him closer to God by giving him supernatural information. The primary birth is the fundamental birth. Upanayanam and Brahma-gayatri are the subsequent birth (dvija). 

One book we read gave the accompanying exclusive clarification of why Upanayanam is known as the subsequent birth. In the primary birth a child is conceived from the virya (semen or crucial vitality) of the dad which is dispersed downwards beneath the navel into the mother's belly. In the subsequent birth, nonetheless, the profound offspring (jnanaputra) are delivered by the otherworldly dad (Vaisnava acarya) who has held his virya and drawn it upward (as opposed to disseminating it downwards) from the navel area. The virya, rationed through abstinence, ascends to feed the mind and gives otherworldly virtue and illumination. 

The area then passes this fundamental power of immaculateness onto the pupil by raising him to the brahminical stage by allowing him his subsequent birth. Upanayanam is known as the second birth in light of the fact that by this samskara one accomplishes an otherworldly recovery with the master or acarya going about as the dad and Savitr, or Gayatri Devi, as the mother.

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