How do wedding planners make an engagement special?

 Commitment is an event where there is a proper consent to get hitched and families declare the equivalent to the general public. It is otherwise called the pledge service, Sagai, Ring function, and so on The commitment service is done before Marriage by trading rings and performing Engagement Puja gives the drew in couples with the agreement, ecstasy, and success. It reinforces the connection between the two families. Supporting the responsibility towards beginning another family. 

This service is performed on a favorable muhurta that is chosen subsequent to experience the Couple's horoscope. The commitment service is constantly held before the wedding function. 

Nischitartha or the commitment service is done fantastically before scarcely any days or months of the marriage by trading the rings, this function denotes the closer advance towards your responsibility of marriage. The couples vow each other to be together in all phases of life playing out their duties after they get hitched. 

The service begins with purohit performing Ganesha pooja, Maha Sankalpam, Punyaha vachanam, and Nischitartha is acted within the sight of loved ones, the minister composes the "Lagna Patrika" and peruses it out. Once the commitment is over the couple looks for the favors of the apparent multitude of older folks in the family for an effective and long marriage. 

The lady's family brings turmeric, betel leaves, nuts, and garments for the man of the hour. The lady of the hour's sibling at that point respects the husband to be by putting a blooming wreath around his neck. As an image of joy, sugar candy is conveyed to all visitors. At that point, an 'Aarthi' is performed, and a coconut is broken, a custom accepted to avert stink eyes. On the "medai" or raised stage, the two families sit inverse to one another and the "Lagna Patrika," or marriage contract is composed and perused so anyone might hear by the 'cleric or sastrigal'. The archive incorporates the names of both the families, the names of the lady of the hour and groom, and the understanding that the marriage is to be led and it is marked by both lady's and husband to be's folks. After this presentation, Thamboolams' (platters of betel nuts, dry organic products, nuts, coconuts, turmeric, and 'kumkum') and blessings are traded. The cone molded "parupputhengai" is a significant aspect of every one of these services.

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