How to organize Traditional Seemantham?

Seemantham is frequently known as the customary infant shower. In truth, however, Seemantham and infant shower are two altogether different occasions – not on the grounds that one is conventional and the other is Western, but since the focal point of every festival is totally different. For Seemantham, the attention is on the mum-to-be while the infant shower centers around the infant. Seemantham is a family-driven occasion with the two guardians and parents in law having an equivalent influence in sorting out and commending it, while a child shower is frequently composed of a select gathering of women near the mum-to-be, be it her mum, sisters, cousins, companions, or even partners. Presents for Seemantham are for the mum-to-be and presents for the infant shower are a mix of presents for the mum and the child. 

An exceptional note is to be made that there are numerous varieties to Seemantham basically on the grounds that these conventions have advanced incredibly after some time alongside our evolving ways of life. Seemantham used to be one of the 3 or 4 separate occasions praising the mum-to-be, however, today, these are joined as one and celebrated in a solitary event in the fifth, seventh OR ninth month of pregnancy. 

To begin this off, here's the rundown of things that should be readied: 

3 or 5 or 7 kinds of rice dishes – to be cooked in moderate amounts. Models are tamarind rice (pulihora), lemon rice, yogurt rice, sweet rice, mango rice, coconut rice, dhall rice, and so on 

3 or 5 or 7 kinds of chutneys (thogayal) - model coconut chutney, pudina chutney, coriander leaves chutney, and so on 

A medium (one feet in width) round plate of crude rice blended in with turmeric powder 

A medium round plate of bloom petals (daisies, chrysanthemum, rose and so on) 

A medium round plate with a rose water distributor, and 2 little steel bowls holding kumkum powder and sandalwood powder glue 

A youthful coconut and a fitting plate and an enormous blade for removing the delicate top 

Grapes, raisins, mangoes, or customary Indian desserts cut into smidgens (reduced down desserts) 

A set(2) of brilliant/silver bangles (discretionary) 

A neem leaf bangle (made by composing a branch of neem leaves into a bangle-like shape) 

A plate of glass bangles (around 80) 

In-house music set-up (mitigating mantras and some contemporary music from that point) 

Improved dais 

Tokens/return presents for women welcome to the occasion 

5 meters of dainty jasmine wreath 

Ground supplication course of action (allude picture) involving 2 customary oil-light stands with wicks and oil; 1 kg rice, 5 betel leaves and betel nuts, Kamakshi oil light with petition oil and wick, a plate with soodam dish(with soodam) and dubakal (with sambrani), 2 entire old coconuts dehusked, mango leaves and 1 conventional water pot; these things are promptly accessible in generally Indian/Hindu homes 

Veggie lover nourishment for participants 

A decent day and a decent time is dictated (by checking the Hindu schedule or by counseling the Priest). Solicitations are then shipped off everybody. 

Prior in the day of the function, the 3, 5 or 7 rice dishes are set up in moderate amounts and kept firmly secured. Around 2 tablespoons of each dish is then enveloped by a misty fabric (brilliant shaded) and tied.

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