How do you organize an engagement ceremony?

 The lady of the hour's family brings turmeric, betel leaves, nuts, and garments for the husband to be. The lady of the hour's sibling at that point praises the husband to be by putting a bloom laurel around his neck. As an image of joy, sugar candy is appropriated to all visitors. At that point, an 'Aarthi' is performed, and a coconut is broken, a custom accepted to avert hostile stares. On the "medai" or raised stage, the two families recline across from one another and the "lagna patrika," or marriage contract is composed and perused out loud by the 'minister or sastrigal'. The archive incorporates the names of both the families, the names of the lady and groom and the arrangement that the marriage is to be directed and it is endorsed by both lady's and lucky man's folks. After this current, Thamboolams' (platters of betel nuts, dry organic products, nuts, coconuts, turmeric and 'kumkum') and blessings are traded. The cone formed "parupputhengai" is a significant piece of every one of these services. 

This is the most testing task in organized connections. The gatekeepers of the youngster use any wellsprings of information to find a suitable partner for their daughter. The watchmen of the child also do besides. Notwithstanding, in numerous territories, it is the watchmen of the youngster who approach the gatekeepers of the child. 

The primary move, made by the youngster's people, is to move toward the child's people for the horoscope (Janma-patra, or Janma-kundaH) of the child. This they generally whether or not they don't acknowledge inconceivably in horoscopes, since this sales also fills in as a proposal to check whether the child's people are excited about starting a talk. 

If the horoscope is gotten, it shows major interest regarding the child's people. The people who have confidence in the horoscope go to the precious stone gazer clergyman to check whether the horoscopes facilitate. There is no State in India whose people don't believe in the horoscope. Be that as it may, there are critics all finished. A bit of these skeptic are hesitant to ignore the confound of horoscopes. Some are adequately ready to neglect the horoscopes. The above examination applies comparatively to Jain and Sikh requests of the more essential Hindu family. 

During the pattern of dynamic, the child's people see the youngster and speak with her. (Once in a while the child and youngster get an occasion to talk with each other.) If this social event goes well the responsibility is made and date of the responsibility work is appeared at. On occasion, one social affair, or both, sends a silver ring to the following close by a few grains of entire rice (akshata).

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